
Friday, April 23, 2010

Sometimes Random is a good thing

Oh so random.
This week has been a week that I really could have done without.  You know those kinds where a few things were worth it, but in general it stunk!

I have begun writing daily again. For those of you who don't know I have been writing my first book for 2 years now and I have decided that that amount of time to write a book is not acceptable.  So with 108 pages down and averaging 5 to 10 pages a night its coming together.  Cause lets face it there is no way you can write a steamy romance scene when your 5 year old little girl is saying 'Mommy can I have a drink'  or 'Mommy can you set up the Wii for me.'  So I wait and wait and wait till all is quiet in the house and then I get to it.  Put pen to paper so to speak.
So wish me luck, say a prayer or two that all goes well for me because I might, just might get my work published and I have to say that would be a dream come true.

Also before I forget I have to tell you I have lost a total of 32 pounds since August.  I have been doing the no emotional eating thing and still eating anything and everything I want, just not when I am happy, say, angry or any other emotion I might be experiencing at the moment.  I eat when I am hungry, I  know crazy right!  ha ha. 

Have a wonderful weekend!
God is love~ Jessica

Monday, April 19, 2010


I thought I would share this because I thought it was so cute.

I was making dinner for my husband, daughter and myself this evening and we were having

pancakes and sausage (it was really yummy), and I asked my little girl would you like sausage with

your pancakes and she said 'No it gives me the spices.'


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Sunday

Easter was wonderful, not only did we get to celabrate our Lord, we got to be blessed with our loved ones all around.  We went to my brother-in-laws family's property about 45 minutes east of us and had a blast.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Genevieve fishing.

Both my sister's husbands and my daughter out for a paddle boat ride.

My sweet nephew who is going to be 3 next month on his mini 4 wheeler.

Genevieve giving that pinata everything she had!

She made some good money at the Easter egg hunt $3!
